Workshop 2023 - Oct. 9-11 - Nantes, France

The TREE project-team supported by CNRS-INSIS, is organizing the Workshop TREE 2 from October 9 (2 PM) to October 11 (noon) 2023 at LTeN (local coordination: Xavier Py) on the campus "Chantrerie" (POLYTECH Nantes), in Nantes, France.

The main objectives of the workshop are to favor:
- discussions with scientists whose expertise is likely to address the scientific challenges tackled by the project-team, i.e. Thermal Radiation to Electrical Energy conversion (such as thermophotovoltaic, thermoradiative, and thermophotonic conversions).
- new actions and collaborations, in France and with colleagues from foreign institutions.

The topics covered are at the interface between several disciplines:
- thermal radiation,
- photovoltaics: cells, advanced concepts, light trapping,
- thermal energy storage at high temperature,
- materials at high temperature and their properties,
- advanced concepts: near-field TPV, thermophotonics, hot-carrier TPV cells,...

Registration, free but mandatory, is open until September 17th, on the website

Please note that:
- the registration will provide access to the conference room, the coffee breaks, the lunch and the dinner of October 10th: please specify if you will participate to these meals or not (to avoid any waste of food),
- the number of participants is limited (first registered: first served).

We will build a program with sessions similar to those of the previous Workshop. Submission of a contribution (oral [around 30 min] or poster [long session of around 1h30]) will be possible on the website  (abstract with a maximum of 600 words) from July 1st until September 9th.

We are looking forward to your participation and your submissions,
Best regards,


juin 21, 2023 Catégorie : General Posté par : admgeeps
Page précédente : Offres de postes Page suivante : FedPV et Société